Movie Bites Offers Live Virtual Classes, Clubs and Camps


For filmmakers (young and old), having a creative community is a huge part of what makes our artmaking possible. We share story ideas, get and give feedback, collaborate on projects and inspire one another to create art.

Designed with fun and interactivity in mind, Movie Bites Classes, Clubs and Camps. meet throughout the year. Using games, art activities, mini-filmmaking lessons, and more to introduce kids to the jobs and people behind all the movie-making magic. We play, create, and muse over storytelling ideas while taking micro-steps toward learning more about film language, filmmaking techniques, film history and different areas of movie making.

Students participate in creative activities that focus on:  having fun, building film and storytelling language (vocabulary/knowledge) and increasing writing and artistic skills.  No camera or editing software is required. The focus is always on imaginative play and interactive collaboration.

Movie Bites Classes, Clubs and Camps are perfect for emerging (and reluctant) writers, young artists and aspiring filmmakers. Meetings rotate through a variety of fun topics with each lesson designed to inspire creative ideas and excitement about learning. 

Topic Samples

  • Big Ideas - Creating Titles and Movie Posters

  • Screenwriting Mad Libs - A Fun Way to Learn Story Structure

  • Storyboards - Telling Your Film Story Through Drawings

  • Directing and Acting - Silly, Serious, Zany Action!

  • Costume Design: Developing Our Characters through Fashion

  • Foley Art - The Magic of Making Sound Effects for Movies

  • Set Design - Dioramas and Small Scale Space Creation

  • Prop Masters - The Hidden-in-Plain-Sight Magic of Movie Props

Movie Bites Classes, Clubs and Camps offer a welcoming, diverse and inclusive space for movie lovers. Big imaginations, high energy, shy learners, and different learning styles are always encouraged.

See our Movie Bites Reviews for what parents have to say!

Click here to enroll,

If you are interested in creating a private class, club or camps for your child or a group of friends, please contact us at We’re always happy to chat about ideas!

If you have a question about Movie Bites Classes, Clubs or Camps please drop us an email at


The Picture Tells the Story


Welcome to Movie Bites Learning