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Movie Bites Learning Clubs and Camps are fun and interactive. Kids can play, create, and explore storytelling without needing a camera or editing software.We’re all about learning filmmaking through imaginative play and teamwork, ideal for kids who love art and movies. Spaces are limited.
Join our Clubs and Camps today!

Articles, Resources, Tips and Ideas

  • Welcome to Movie Bites

    If you’ve been looking for ways to support and engage your young storyteller or aspiring filmmaker, you’re in the right place. Movie Bites provides bites size activities and lessons for your child’s BIG ideas.

  • Movie Bites Together

    Join our community! Movie Bites Classes, Clubs and Camps are fun and interactive. Kids play, create, and explore storytelling, character development, directing, acting, sound design. costuming, set design, props and more. Focused on imagination and teamwork, ideal for kids who want to learn more about the craft of moviemaking.

  • Movie Magic - Lighting and Color

    I’ve been wanting to teach a unit on film lighting for quite some time, so this week in the Movie Bites Club we learned about the use of colored lights to create mood and tone in film. Let me just say right up front - We had an absolute blast! Read more to learn about the lesson.

  • The Picture Tells the Story

    When my son was in 2nd grade, he was diagnosed with visual dyslexia. While working with a specialist to address his reading challenges, my husband and I focused on keeping storytelling fun by showing him visual strategies that filmmakers use to develop our stories with pictures. Try this activity to inspire creativity and build confidence.

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